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Custom Made Jewelry Displays
Hand-made displays forged locally in Los Angeles, CA.
Made to order
For info about custom made jewelry displays Contact Us or Call us
(800)528-8210 Int'l (213)489-3438 for details
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Hand-made displays forged locally in Los Angeles, CA.
Ultra high-end feel and finish
Made to order
For info about custom made jewelry displays Contact Us or Call us
International (213)489-3438
With our custom line of jewelry displays you can choose any color combination to fit your store's design. We simplify the process by providing you with our universal display design, and you choose the colors and quantities of each piece. You can choose from a wide variety of color combinations to give your Earring, Ring, Necklace, Bracelet, and Watch displays a sleek yet elegant essence. Though it can feel overwhelming to re-vamp your entire jewelry display line, we're here to help you and simplify the process. All we need are the inner dimensions of your jewelry showcase and an inventory of various jewelry pieces, whether it be rings, earrings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, or watches, we can easily guide you in choosing the right quantity and style of jewelry displays. Contact us with your specifications to re-vamp your store's look and feel!
For info about custom made jewelry displays Contact Us or Call us @ (800)528-8210 for details.
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